CU: 007 of 122
Starting Orientation today (15 days before your scheduled start date). Some of the activities you have to complete is a 7 module walk though of some of the cool things that WGU has available to students. You sign the code of conduct, make a detailed study schedule and watch a bunch of videos about WGU's resources (FREE ACCESS TO LYNDA.COM w00tw00t)
Anyways, pretty excited to start. I really hate that I have a bunch of English classes and Math classes to complete but I didn't think I could have gotten out of that no matter which school/undergrad program I attended.
Like my friend did before me I will keep the list of my credits/"Competency Units" at the top of each post as sort of a progress bar.
I've already reached out to a few other Infosec students that are starting Dec 1 (which is actually part of Orientation) so it will be cool to have study partners even though this is a self study/paced online thing.
Hitting close to my TL;DR length so I'll let you go. Remember December 1st is when you can start throwing Shmooballs at me if I slack behind. Once I meet with my mentor I'll give you all a schedule and probably make a specific page on this blog for reference.