CU: 013 out of 122
So I just finished my first class, Introduction to IT. It was a fairly easy class, just going over the basics of the various functions of the IT space. I started off taking the pre-assessment before I looked at any of the material, which is suggested by WGU. The cut off score, or the score required to pass, was 65. My first attempt I received a score of 76. After taking the pre-assessment you get a “coaching guide” that tells you how you did on each sections, and with this guide you know which sections to study up on. When I had my 1 on 1 with my student mentor she said that she already cleared me to take the final assessment, which when passed allows you to get your credits for the class and move on to a different class. I still hadn’t received my WGU student kit yet, so I did not have my WGU issued webcam that is necessary to take the final assessment for class, so I was stuck waiting. While waiting I continued to study on different sections that could help raise my score. There were some issues with me getting my WGU student kit and so it took a couple of weeks for me to finally get the webcam. As soon as I got the camera I scheduled my test for the next day. The pre-assessment ended up being a great guide on what to study and how the final assessment was setup.
So the way they do their testing is to connect with Citrix GoToMeeting, you share your screen and you have to have their webcam setup so they can see both your face, and the screen on your monitor. The proctor also had me give them a 360 degree view of my workspace so they knew everything that was around me. They also had me show a government issued ID. This whole process took about 10 minutes and then I was able to start my test. You are given 3 hours to complete this test and I was able to finish it in about 20 minutes. I passed the class no problem and am now starting the 1st of 2 A+ certification classes. I am taking next week off from school though, work is sending me to training for a week, so I guess I will actually start working on that class next weekend.